SMART PARKINGIt is a response to the problem of insufficient number of parking spaces on a small area. The equipment cover an area of 33m2, that is two standard parking spaces, but it may hold from 6 to 16 cars. This parking may be enclosed with any material, thanks to which it may integrate into the surroundings. READ MORE
ACE PARKINGFully automated multi-storey tower system for parking from 18 to 60 cars. This system is ideal for densely built-up areas with a small number of parking spaces and little possibility of manoeuvring. Ace Parking allows for optimum use of available space. READ MORE |
GRAND PARKINGIt is an automated multi-storey elevated mount system making it possible to double or treble the capacity of a garage depending on its height. The main advantage of this system is a larger number of entries compared with other parking systems, which increases parking efficiency. READ MORE |
ADVICENasze doradztwo nie opiera się tylko na sprzedaży parkingów czy na planowaniu nowych inwestycji. Rozwiązujemy problemy przestrzeni miejskiej, udoskonalamy i proponujemy nowoczesne rozwiązania dla istniejących projektów, jak również wybieramy optymalną formę ich realizacji. READ MORE |